Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • Open source career 2014 talk slides, photos, and video

    Open source career 2014 talk slides, photos, and video

    The talk “The Open Source Software Developer Career and its Benefits”, which I gave at the 2014 Entwicklertag in Karlsruhe earlier this year, is now fully documented. You can take a look at the original paper, talk slides, event photos, and finally (woohoo!) a quality video recording courtesy of Andrena, the organizers of the Entwicklertag.…

  • IT standards and open source (repeat)

    IT standards and open source (repeat)

    An old debate has recently been rearing its ugly head: the value of standards in IT and the role of open source. In my view, it is really very simple. There are two types of standards, and they determine the role that open source can play. Examples of type 2 standards are the file formats…

  • Erfolgsmethoden der Open-Source-Governance und -Compliance (Best Practices of Open-Source-Governance and -Compliance) [Technical Report]

    Erfolgsmethoden der Open-Source-Governance und -Compliance (Best Practices of Open-Source-Governance and -Compliance) [Technical Report]

    Abstract Open-Source-Software ist weit verbreitet und wird nicht nur als alleinstehende Anwendungen eingesetzt, sondern auch als Komponenten in Produkten. Entsprechend wichtig ist es für Unternehmen, die Open-Source-Komponenten verwenden, mittels Open-Source-Governance und -Compliance sicherzustellen, dass die dem Einsatz von Open Source eigenen Risiken rechtzeitig und korrekt adressiert werden. Aufbauend auf früherer Arbeit zu den Risiken der…

  • Talk slides: The open-source software developer career and its benefits

    Talk slides: The open-source software developer career and its benefits

    Today I held the new version of my “open source software developer career” talk for the first time, at the Karlruhe Entwicklertag. These are the slides and this is the underlying paper. The Entwicklertag collects feedback from the audience. One of the listeners put down “1+” on the feedback sheet, grading this professor with an…

  • Upcoming talk: Sustainable open source (in German)

    Upcoming talk: Sustainable open source (in German)

    I’ll be keynoting the 2014 Bitkom Forum “Future of Open Source” in Berlin on June 26th, 2014. This is my primary (stock) talk “Sustainable Open Source”, adapted to Bitkom’s needs and current trends. Its new title is “Changing the future of our industry: Sustainable Open Source”. I’m looking forward to meeting you in Berlin!

  • Upcoming talk: The open-source software developer career and its benefits

    Upcoming talk: The open-source software developer career and its benefits

    I’ll be talking about the benefits of being an open source software developer tomorrow, at the Karlsruher Entwicklertage (Developer Days). I’ll be on at 10:45am. For those who’ll miss the talk, I just made the underlying paper on the benefits of the open source developer career available on this site. Enjoy!