Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • Open Source Expanded (new column)

    Open Source Expanded (new column)

    Open Source Expanded is the name of a new column (open-ended article series) that I’m editing for IEEE Computer Magazine. Expect a new article on open source and how it is changing the world every two months! The first article on the innovations of open source was just published, kicking of the column. I could…

  • Comments on the state of open source in Germany (in German)

    Comments on the state of open source in Germany (in German)

    A German trade magazine for IT professionals just published an article on the state of open source (in German). Yours truly and many others are featured in there, commenting (or lamenting) on how Germany needs to catch-up on open source, a propellant of digitization, as the author notes.

  • The Innovations of Open Source colloquium talk at University of Hamburg

    The Innovations of Open Source colloquium talk at University of Hamburg

    Update 2019-01-30: The talk slides and a video recording (local copy) are available now. I got invited and will be presenting a talk in the colloquium of the computer science department at the University of Hamburg tomorrow, January 28th, 2019, at 17:00 Uhr. The talk topic are the innovations of open source and I will present…

  • Why do episodic volunteers stay in FLOSS communities? [ICSE 2019]

    Why do episodic volunteers stay in FLOSS communities? [ICSE 2019]

    Abstract: Successful Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects incorporate both habitual and infrequent, or episodic, contributors. Using the concept of episodic volunteering (EV) from the general volunteering literature, we derive a model consisting of five key constructs that we hypothesize affect episodic volunteers’ retention in FLOSS communities. To evaluate the model we conducted a…

  • Should a public government stay out of the software market? 4/4

    Should a public government stay out of the software market? 4/4

    This is the last of four questions posed to me by a journalist about open source and the public sector. The original question was: If a government develops open source software, it becomes a vendor of that software. Shouldn’t a public government stay out of such business? A public government that develops or sponsors the…

  • Should the public sector consider open source only for new purchases? 3/4

    Should the public sector consider open source only for new purchases? 3/4

    This is the third of four questions posed to me by a journalist about open source and the public sector. The economists have an answer for this. At any point in time should you evaluate the total life-time value of the various alternatives at hand and then chose the one that has the best value.…