Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.1 Industry (General)

  • An alternative view of funding for innovation

    An alternative view of funding for innovation

    My rant on what’s wrong with Industrie 4.0 argued that it focuses too narrowly on too incremental a domain. The real tectonic change of the last 20-30 years in my opinion is the speed of innovation that software gives you over any other technology domain. Whatever the gadget or concept, if you can add software…

  • What’s wrong with Industrie 4.0?

    What’s wrong with Industrie 4.0?

    Short answer A lot. The overly narrow focus on a particular domain of innovation starves the support for innovation is other domains, making Germany lose out in those domains. This has been bugging me for some time now. Longer answer Somehow German politics declared “Industrie 4.0” (industry 4.0) to be a major area of innovation…

  • The Internet is eating the things

    The Internet is eating the things

    A lot of my industry talks emphasize the value of software over hardware because of the significantly higher speed of innovation. In a well run continuous software engineering (DevOps) organization, you can go from commit to production within seconds. Try that with hardware! The feedback you can gather from customers and the market is at…