Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.1 Industry (General)

  • Micro-Blogging Adoption in the Enterprise: An Empirical Analysis [WI 2011]

    Abstract: Given the increasing interest in using social software for company-internal communication and collaboration, this paper examines drivers and inhibitors of micro-blogging adoption at the workplace. While nearly one in two companies is currently planning to introduce social software, there is no empirically validated research on employees’ adoption. In this paper, we build on previous…

  • OpenOffice.org at Oracle After The Sun Acquisition

    Yesterday, I participated in the local JUG’s discussion of the Sun acquisition by Oracle. Somewhat to my surprise, the general opinion was dismissive of OpenOffice’s future at Oracle. I haven’t spent much prior thought on this, but to me, OpenOffice seems to fit much better with Oracle than with Sun, at least on a strategic…

  • Pre-test Survey on What Drives Enterprise Micro-blogging Adoption

    My collaborators on the Enterprise Micro-blogging Adoption study at the Humboldt University of Berlin are at it again. In this second step, we are working to refine our understanding of what drives micro-blogging adoption in the enterprise. For this, we are looking for participants in a short pre-test survey. Here the survey summary: You are…