Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.1 Industry (General)

  • Cloud Computing is not a Business Model

    I’m at the Dagstuhl Seminar “Information Management in the Cloud” where I keynoted about cloud computing businesses models. Given that I’m hardly a cloud computing expert this may seem like a stretch, however, the organizers had asked me to talk about my open source experience and relate this to cloud computing. This perspective turned out…

  • Controlling and steering open source projects [Computer Magazine]

    Controlling and steering open source projects [Computer Magazine]

    The IEEE just published a short version of the “control points and steering mechanisms” article. Here is the abstract. Please see the original for more details. Abstract: Open source software has become an important part of the software business. In a 2009 survey, Forrester Research found that 46 percent of all responding enterprises were using…

  • The Java IP Story

    Every year, I teach the AMOS class, a lab course on “Agile Methods and Open Source” that combines lectures with a real software project that ideally turns into a startup (see the AMOS Project concept, in German). To explain open source, I have to introduce students to intellectual property rights, of which most have been…