Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.5 Commercial Open Source

  • From the Bag of Commercial Open Source Tricks: Paying for the Upgrade

    From the Bag of Commercial Open Source Tricks: Paying for the Upgrade

    On a recent trip to Montreal, I reconnected with Marc Laporte, leader of the WikiSuite project and an old friend and fellow wiki enthusiast. Naturally, we talked about open source business strategies and he pointed me to one way of how commercial open source companies make money: They don’t provide you with a free upgrade…

  • Free-to-Use, Unless You Are a Cloud Provider (The New Strategy?)

    Free-to-Use, Unless You Are a Cloud Provider (The New Strategy?)

    On the heels of my talk about the current licensing challenges to single-vendor open source firms, I want to discuss the resulting strategy for vendors selling to developers. Single-vendor open source firms go to market by providing software they developed to the world under an open source license. The goal is to create a large…

  • Why Now? And Who? The Struggle Over Single-Vendor / Open-Core Licensing

    Why Now? And Who? The Struggle Over Single-Vendor / Open-Core Licensing

    Update 2023-08-26: Redis writes to us that they rebranded from Redis Labs, to Redis. In yesterday’s talk I reviewed the current licensing struggle of single-vendor open source firms. Single-vendor open source firms go to market by providing software they developed for free, under an open source license, while also offering a commercially licensed version of…