Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1. Software Industry

  • A plea for an open source cloud copyleft license

    A plea for an open source cloud copyleft license

    Is the AGPL-3.0 (or-later) license an effective cloud copyleft license? Does it do the trick of keeping community open source free and the competition away from commercial open source? I tried getting an answer to this question from the OSI’s license-discuss mailing list. Sadly, the answer appears to be: Probably not. Why do I care?…

  • Improving velocity of code contributions in open source (Zaks et al., IEEE Computer)

    Improving velocity of code contributions in open source (Zaks et al., IEEE Computer)

    I’m happy to report that the 29th article in the open source column of IEEE Computer has been published. Title Improving velocity of code contributions in open source Keywords Open Source, Open Source Software, Community Engagement, Composers, Software Quality, Open Source Projects, Complex Projects, Design Phase, Acceptance Criteria, Collaborative Platform, Time Feedback, Real Time Communication,…

  • My top three challenges for open source in Germany

    My top three challenges for open source in Germany

    Ahead of the next election and in support of the Bitkom open source working group and an upcoming policy paper, here are my top three challenges to open source in Germany. 1. Insufficient product management skills in German software companies German product managers often don’t know when a feature is competitively differentiating and when not,…