Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 3.1 Research (General)

  • Why are there only two research groups working on inner source?

    Why are there only two research groups working on inner source?

    I got asked the other day why there are only two research groups working on inner source world-wide. Inner source is the use of open source best practices within companies, and it is a hot topic with many companies who want to go beyond agile. There was varied research around the world in the past…

  • The OpenSym 2018 call for papers is out!

    The OpenSym 2018 call for papers is out!

    The OpenSym 2018 call for papers is out! Submission deadline for your open collaboration research papers is March 15th, 2018, AoE. OpenSym 2018 will take place in beautiful Paris, France. Don’t miss it!

  • Call for Papers: 1st Workshop on Innovative Software Engineering Education (ISEE 2018)

    Call for Papers: 1st Workshop on Innovative Software Engineering Education (ISEE 2018)

    http://www1.in.tum.de/isee2018 In conjunction with the Software Engineering Conference 2018 in Ulm, March 6, 2018 Motivation The number of students continuously increases and presents ever greater challenges for instructors in software engineering. In courses with a huge number of students, it is particularly difficult to motivate students to actively participate. At the same time, practice-oriented and…