Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 3.1 Research (General)

  • Top-cited research articles on this site

    Top-cited research articles on this site

    According to Google Scholar, in terms of citations, my leading research paper is: It just reached the 200-citation boundary. Hard on its heels are these: The fastest growing paper (in terms of citations) is this 2007 paper: The “leading” papers are all older papers, as implied by using citations as a measure of relevance. Of…

  • Call for Papers: OSS 2012

    For your convenience, the OSS 2012 call for papers (I’m on the program committee). THE 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS Hammamet, Tunisia, 10-13 September 2012 Scope of OSS 2012 Over the past two decades, Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) has introduced new successful models for creating, distributing, acquiring and using software and software-based…

  • Call for Papers: ECOOP 2012

    For your convenience, the ECOOP 2012 call for papers (I’m on the program committee). Call for Papers 征稿启事 The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) is the premium international conference covering all areas of object technology and related software development technologies. ECOOP 2012 will take place from 11-16 June, 2012 in Beijing, China — only…