Category: 3. Research and Teaching
Upcoming industry talk on enabling digital transformation via scaling agile in the financial industry by Munir Mahrufi and Liang Que of Deloitte Consulting GmbH
We will host an industry talk on “Enabling Digital Transformation via Scaling Agile in the Financial Industry” in AMOS, our agile methods course. The talk is free and open to the public. Abstract “Every business is a software business now. Agility isn’t an option, or a thing just for teams, it is a business imperative.…
Supporting interview analysis with autocoding [HICSS 2020]
Abstract: Interview analysis is a technique employed in qualitative research. Researchers annotate (code) interview transcriptions, often with the help of Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS). The tools available today largely replicate the manual process of annotation. In this article, we demonstrate how to use natural language processing (NLP) to increase the reproducibility and traceability…
Why software engineering is not like assembly line work
The other day I ran into one of the oldest software engineering tropes in the book: That software engineering should be more like work in a factory, and that developers are best equated to assembly line workers who put together a software product by assembling components to a specification. I wasn’t sure whether I should…
ACM Hypertext 2019 in Hof, Germany
The ACM Hypertext 2019 conference will take place in Hof, Germany, on September 17-20, 2019. Here is the conference’s scope in its own words: The ACM Hypertext conference is a premium venue for high quality peer-reviewed research on hypertext theory, systems and applications. It is concerned with all aspects of modern hypertext research including social…
Summaries of The AMOS Projects Winter 2018/19
I just helped finish three AMOS projects, all with IAV Engineering, at TU Berlin (Prof. Schieferdecker). Below, please find the project summaries for the projects: FlyInn Project name FlyInn Project mission FlyInn aims at providing an improved multi-modal experience by enabling users to control their smartphone from an embedded device. The project’s final product should…
Stock options case in software product management course at @UniFAU
Software product management by case is a college-level course that I created for teaching product management to computer science students. Using the case method, it helps students understand complex real-life situations in product management as well as the strategies and methods used to deal with them. Some cases are not about product management, though. An…