Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 3. Research and Teaching

  • Agile methods course at Tsinghua University

    Agile methods course at Tsinghua University

    Update 2018-08-01: The old materials are not available any longer; please watch this space for the new release! Update 2012-03-28: I made the course slides available to the public. I just finished teaching a one-week course on agile methods at Tsinghua University, the top (mainland) Chinese engineering school and one of the two leading Chinese…

  • Call for papers: WikiSym 2012

    Call for papers: WikiSym 2012

    8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration August 27-29, 2012 | Linz, Austria The International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym) is the premier conference on open collaboration and related technologies. In 2012, WikiSym celebrates its 8th year of scholarly, technical and community innovation in Linz, Austria. We are excited this year to…

  • Top-cited research articles on this site

    Top-cited research articles on this site

    According to Google Scholar, in terms of citations, my leading research paper is: It just reached the 200-citation boundary. Hard on its heels are these: The fastest growing paper (in terms of citations) is this 2007 paper: The “leading” papers are all older papers, as implied by using citations as a measure of relevance. Of…

  • Call for Papers: OSS 2012

    Call for Papers: OSS 2012

    For your convenience, the OSS 2012 call for papers (I’m on the program committee). THE 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS Hammamet, Tunisia, 10-13 September 2012 Scope of OSS 2012 Over the past two decades, Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) has introduced new successful models for creating, distributing, acquiring and using software and software-based…

  • Call for Papers: ECOOP 2012

    Call for Papers: ECOOP 2012

    For your convenience, the ECOOP 2012 call for papers (I’m on the program committee). Call for Papers 征稿启事 The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) is the premium international conference covering all areas of object technology and related software development technologies. ECOOP 2012 will take place from 11-16 June, 2012 in Beijing, China — only…

  • Call for Papers: Software Product Lines (SPLC 2012)

    Call for Papers: Software Product Lines (SPLC 2012)

    For your convenience, the SPLC 2012 call for papers (I’m on the program committee). Call for Contributions (SPLC 2012) We invite the following classes of contributions: Further information regarding the submission processes and submission dates can be found in the separate calls on the website http://www.splc2012.net/ We invite you to be part of SPLC! Information…