Category: 2. Building Products
Industry best practices for component approval in open source governance [EuroPLoP 2020]
Abstract: Increasingly companies realize the value of using free/libre and open source software (FLOSS) in their products, but need to manage the associated risks. Leading companies introduce open source governance as a solution. A key aspect of corporate FLOSS governance deals with choosing and evaluating open source components for use in products. Following an industry-based…
Getting started with corporate open source governance: A case study evaluation of industry best practices [HICSS 2021]
Abstract: Open source software usage in companies is on the rise, often resulting in lower development costs, higher quality, and quick availability of code. However, using open source software in products comes with legal, business, and technical risks. Experienced companies prevent and address these risks through corporate open source governance. In our previous work, we…
Video for breaking down organizational silos with inner source (in German)
Eberhard Wolff just published the recording of my lunch chat on Software Architektur TV with him. Our topic was inner source and how to tear down firm-internal silos for better code reuse, more knowledge sharing, and generally more satisfied employees. Check it out below (local copy) or visit Eberhard’s site for it! Or, just take…
Breaking down organizational silos with inner source (in German)
This coming Friday, December 11th, 2020, at noon CET, I’ll be a guest in Eberhard Wolff’s Software Architektur lunch chat. Our topic is how to break down organizational silos using open source methods, which is, you guessed it, using inner source. Join me through Software Architektur TV and send us your questions in advance (or…
Continuous open source license compliance (Phipps & Zacchiroli, IEEE Computer)
I’m happy to report that the 12th article in the open source column of IEEE Computer has been published. Title Continuous Open Source License Compliance Keywords Open-source software, licenses, supply chains, standards, computer security Authors Simon Phipps; Stefano Zacchiroli Publication Computer vol. 53, no. 12 (December 2020), pp. 115-119 Abstract: This article considers the role…
Standardizing open source license compliance with OpenChain (Shane Coughlan, IEEE Computer Column)
I’m happy to report that the 11th article in the open source column of IEEE Computer has been published. Title Standardizing Open Source License Compliance With OpenChain Keywords Cryptography, distributed databases, IEC standards, ISO standards, legislation, project management, public domain software, software development management, software standards, blockchain, open chain project, ISO IEC JTC 1 PAS…