Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 2. Building Products

  • Upcoming talk on corporate open source governance in Berlin (in German)

    Upcoming talk on corporate open source governance in Berlin (in German)

    Ich halte zwischen 20-40 Industrievorträge im Jahr. Es sind zuviele, um diese kontinuierlich zu bewerben. Hier aber möchte ich auf einen Vortrag in Berlin hinweisen, im Rahmen des ASQF, zum Thema Corporate Open Source Governance. Governance von Open Source im Unternehmen und in Produkten Open-Source-Software ist immer kostenlos und häufig von hoher Qualität. Anwender können…

  • The design space for object creation

    The design space for object creation

    While preparing a session on (object-oriented) object creation for my Advanced Design and Programming course, I noticed that there are at least two major ways of looking at how to decide on how to create an object. The traditional way is a (still unwritten) pattern language that utilizes the classic Gang-of-Four object creational patterns (and…

  • The Frankfurt opera house, criving C programmers crazy since 1972

    The Frankfurt opera house, criving C programmers crazy since 1972

  • Example login designed to make users go away

    Example login designed to make users go away

    Schufa is a German credit rating agency. By law it is required to provide information to consumers (while it makes all its money, for now, off corporate customers). As a consequence, its password and login screens have been designed, I suggest, to be as unusable as possible. Below please find a screen-shot of the PIN…

  • Tabs vs. spaces and cause vs. effect

    Tabs vs. spaces and cause vs. effect

    Stack Overflow of the “full stackoverflow programmer” fame just published a developer survey. Among the items was a question asking developers, what they prefer for indenting their code: Tabs or spaces? The majority of developers prefers tabs over spaces by a reasonable margin. What worries me, though, is the conclusion or the “trend” that the…

  • Inner source in platform-based product engineering [Technical Report]

    Inner source in platform-based product engineering [Technical Report]

    Abstract Inner source is an approach to collaboration across intra-organizational boundaries for the creation of shared reusable assets. Prior project reports on inner source suggest improved code reuse and better knowledge sharing. Using a multiple-case case study research approach, we analyze the problems that three major software development organizations were facing in their platform-based product…