Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 2.6 Architecture and Design

  • Visual spaghetti robotics edition

    Visual spaghetti robotics edition

    Ever since the Intrinsic launch event a few weeks back, I wanted to write a long article on how the shown approach of visual programming for robotics is likely to fail. This prediction is based on forty years of experience with visual spaghetti in software engineering. I never got around writing a long blog post,…

  • What microservices can learn from enterprise information integration [HICSS 2020]

    What microservices can learn from enterprise information integration [HICSS 2020]

    Abstract: Microservices are an architectural style in which each service typically provides the complete stack of functions from a user or application programming interface through a domain model all the way to storage for that model. As a consequence, querying conjunct data from different microservices becomes a non-trivial engineering task. In this article, we review…

  • How UML is actually used (if it is used)

    How UML is actually used (if it is used)

    When I started our software architecture course about eight years ago, I was happy to find out about a book series on the architecture of open source applications. I was thrilled: Not only code, but architecture descriptions! I expected great material for my course. Sadly, I had to realize that none of the chapters in…