Author: Dirk Riehle

  • But What if Someone Steals My Inner Source Code?

    During my talk at the inner source summit, I was asked about the following worry with establishing inner source at a company: But if we lay all source code open within the company, don’t we run the risk that a disgruntled employee has it too easy to steal all code and publish it on the…

  • Slides for Keynote at Inner Source Commons Summit at Bosch

    Today, I gave a keynote at the 2018 spring Inner Source Commons summit at Bosch, in Renningen, Germany. I talked about our experiences with ten years of inner source projects at the companies we have been working with. The slides are available as a PDF. The photo above is from the first keynote of the…

  • Output of a 3D Metal Printer

    According to my hosts, this object took 34h to print.

  • FOSS Compliance Intensive Seminar June 14-15th, 2018 in Berlin (in German)

    Catharina Maracke’s Software Compliance Academy writes to us: Die Bedeutung der Open Source-Lizenzen und die Frage der Open Source Compliance hat in den vergangenen Jahren vor allem in der IT-Wirtschaft an Bedeutung gewonnen. Aber auch andere Industriezweige sehen sich zunehmend mit Fragen rund um den Einsatz von Open Source-Software konfrontiert: Welche juristischen Vorgaben gilt es…

  • Understanding Industry Requirements for FLOSS Governance Tools

    Abstract: Almost all software products today incorporate free/libre, and open source software (FLOSS) components. Companies must govern their FLOSS use to avoid potential risks to their intellectual property resulting from the use of FLOSS components. A particular challenge is license compliance. To manage the complexity of license compliance, companies should use tools and well-defined processes to…

  • Gotta Love the Pragmatism…