Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Publication

  • What microservices can learn from enterprise information integration [HICSS 2020]

    What microservices can learn from enterprise information integration [HICSS 2020]

    Abstract: Microservices are an architectural style in which each service typically provides the complete stack of functions from a user or application programming interface through a domain model all the way to storage for that model. As a consequence, querying conjunct data from different microservices becomes a non-trivial engineering task. In this article, we review…

  • Supporting interview analysis with autocoding [HICSS 2020]

    Supporting interview analysis with autocoding [HICSS 2020]

    Abstract: Interview analysis is a technique employed in qualitative research. Researchers annotate (code) interview transcriptions, often with the help of Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS). The tools available today largely replicate the manual process of annotation. In this article, we demonstrate how to use natural language processing (NLP) to increase the reproducibility and traceability…

  • Managing commercial conflicts of interest in open source foundations [ICSOB 2019]

    Managing commercial conflicts of interest in open source foundations [ICSOB 2019]

    Abstract: When companies opt to open source their software, they may choose to offer the project to an open source foundation. Donating the software to an open source foundation offers a number of advantages, such as access to the foundation’s existing tools and project management. However, in donating the software, the company relinquishes control of…

  • Industry requirements for FLOSS governance tools to facilitate the use of open-source software in commercial products [JSS Journal]

    Industry requirements for FLOSS governance tools to facilitate the use of open-source software in commercial products [JSS Journal]

    Abstract: Virtually all software products incorporate free/libre and open source software (FLOSS) components. However, ungoverned use of FLOSS components can result in legal and nancial risks, and risks to a rm’s intellectual property. To avoid these risks, companies must govern their FLOSS use through open source governance processes and by following industry best practices. A…

  • Open source license compliance in software supply chains [Book Chapter]

    Open source license compliance in software supply chains [Book Chapter]

    Abstract: Almost all software products today include open-source components. However, the obligations that open-source licenses put on their users can be difficult or undesirable to comply with. As a consequence, software vendors and related companies need to govern the process by which open-source components are included in their products. A key process of such open-source…

  • Getting started with FLOSS governance and compliance in companies [OpenSym 2019]

    Getting started with FLOSS governance and compliance in companies [OpenSym 2019]

    Abstract: Commercial use of open source software is on the rise as more companies realize the benefits of using FLOSS components in their products. At the same time, the ungoverned use of such components can result in legal, financial, intellectual property, and other risks. To mitigate these risks, companies must govern their use of open source…