Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Publication

  • WOM: An Object Model for Wikitext [Technical Report]

    WOM: An Object Model for Wikitext [Technical Report]

    Abstract: Wikipedia is a rich encyclopedia that is not only of great use to its contributors and readers but also to researchers and providers of third party software around Wikipedia. However, Wikipedia’s content is only available as Wikitext, the markup language in which articles on Wikipedia are written, and whoever needs to access the content…

  • Controlling and steering open source projects [Computer Magazine]

    Controlling and steering open source projects [Computer Magazine]

    The IEEE just published a short version of the “control points and steering mechanisms” article. Here is the abstract. Please see the original for more details. Abstract: Open source software has become an important part of the software business. In a 2009 survey, Forrester Research found that 46 percent of all responding enterprises were using…

  • Lessons Learned from Using Design Patterns in Industry Projects [TPLoP Journal]

    Lessons Learned from Using Design Patterns in Industry Projects [TPLoP Journal]

    Abstract: Design patterns help in the creative act of designing, implementing, and documenting software systems. They have become an important part of the vocabulary of experienced software developers. This article reports about the author’s experiences and lessons learned with using and applying design patterns in industry projects. The article not only discusses how using patterns…

  • Micro-Blogging Adoption in the Enterprise: An Empirical Analysis [WI 2011]

    Micro-Blogging Adoption in the Enterprise: An Empirical Analysis [WI 2011]

    Abstract: Given the increasing interest in using social software for company-internal communication and collaboration, this paper examines drivers and inhibitors of micro-blogging adoption at the workplace. While nearly one in two companies is currently planning to introduce social software, there is no empirically validated research on employees’ adoption. In this paper, we build on previous…

  • The single-vendor commercial open source business model [Book Chapter]

    The single-vendor commercial open source business model [Book Chapter]

    Update 2012-01-28: Springer changed the citation. The reference below reflects this. Springer just republished our 2009 article on how vendor-owned open source works, again. Here is the abstract: Abstract: Single-vendor commercial open source software projects are open source software projects that are owned by a single firm that derives a direct and significant revenue stream…

  • The economic case for open source foundations [Computer Magazine]

    The economic case for open source foundations [Computer Magazine]

    Abstract: An open source foundation is a group of people and companies that has come together to jointly develop community open source software. Examples include the Apache Software Foundation, the Eclipse Foundation, and the Gnome Foundation. There are many reasons why software development firms join and support a foundation. One common economic motivation is to…