Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Evergreen

  • CTO vs. VP of Engineering

    CTO vs. VP of Engineering

    In tech companies, startups and large companies alike, of the many roles you need to define, two seem to be particularly confusing to German startups: The CTO and the VP of Engineering role. Many German startups I’ve seen simply have a person titled CTO who does both (and sometimes neither). These two roles are very…

  • Escalating levels of complexity in inner source projects

    Escalating levels of complexity in inner source projects

    Yesterday, I discussed what makes a good pilot project in inner source. The main thrust of the suggestion was not to start with a big bang but rather to choose a relevant but not too large project. This begs the question of complexity of projects, specifically viewed from an inner source perspective. How should you…

  • Getting Started With Inner Source

    Getting Started With Inner Source

    I received several requests recently for my inner source charter document to provide it in DOC format, after I thought this work had fallen dormant (or perhaps the PDF version was sufficient). So I wanted to add my thoughts on how to take first steps in inner source, in particular in the selection of a…