Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Evergreen

  • What is open communication?

    What is open communication?

    Open source collaboration requires open communication, they say. Just what is open communication, exactly? Drawing on past research [1], here are the four principles that make communication open. Open communication is communication that is The benefits for open communication as practiced like above are plentiful. It allows asynchronous communication and is inclusive of non-native speakers.…

  • The GNU Public License v2 in the land of microservices

    The GNU Public License v2 in the land of microservices

    Another question I get asked is how containers and new architectural styles like microservices-based architectures relate to copyleft licenses, in particular the GPLv2 license. First things first: I don’t recommend taking a “let’s work around this pesky license” approach. You should follow both a license’s spirit and letter; license evasion (“Umgehungsversuch”) may not hold up…

  • Open source license compliance and work-for-hire

    Open source license compliance and work-for-hire

    A common question that I am asked in my seminar on license-compliant delivery of products that contain open source software is: But what about a work-for-hire? We are a consulting company: As we work for our clients, and use open source software, do we have to create all those legal notices? The answer, as so…