Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Evergreen

  • Open source and the hyphen

    Open source and the hyphen

    You may have seen the repeated fights over whether open-source software should be spelled with a hyphen or not. It just flared up on Wikipedia, again. The rules are clear, in my opinion. Still, the situation is a misery. First things first: If “open source” is used as an adjective (attribute) in front of a…

  • How to think about a dependency on commercial open-source software

    How to think about a dependency on commercial open-source software

    Another day in open source land, another vendor relicensing away from an open source license to a source-available license. What was new for me this time, however, was that Apache Flink, a community open source project, had a dependency on Lightbend’s Akka, the commercial open source project that relicensed. This is surprising, because in my…

  • What is open collaboration?

    What is open collaboration?

    Open collaboration is collaboration that is egalitarian, meritocratic, and self-organizing.