Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Evergreen

  • Why open source is good for German software businesses

    Why open source is good for German software businesses

    I’m on the expert advisory committee of one of the German parties for the current “Internet Enquette”, a commission tasked by the German parliament with suggesting future directions for Germany’s stance toward the Internet and everything digital. At a meeting this evening, a lobbyist confided in me: “Open source is bad for German software vendors!”…

  • Cloud Computing is not a Business Model

    I’m at the Dagstuhl Seminar “Information Management in the Cloud” where I keynoted about cloud computing businesses models. Given that I’m hardly a cloud computing expert this may seem like a stretch, however, the organizers had asked me to talk about my open source experience and relate this to cloud computing. This perspective turned out…

  • On the Open Cloud Principles: Every Real-World Specification is an Underspecification

    Trying to wrap my head around the Open Cloud Principles put out by the revamp of the Open Cloud Initiative, I’m happy to note that software engineering research has something to say to the challenges these principles will face. Every real-world specification is an underspecification. So, well, I say that, but I doubt that I’m…