Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Evergreen

  • Learning Across Open Collaboration Perspectives

    Learning Across Open Collaboration Perspectives

    I’m at WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 and happy to notice that some of the hoped-for magic is happening: A cross-polination of insights and ideas across the different disciplinary perspectives on open collaboration. Specifically, I found that open source has developed insights of value to open access, open data, Wikipedia, etc. that have arrived only now…

  • Product management and I know who you are (price discrimination on the web)

    Product management and I know who you are (price discrimination on the web)

    During a trip to New Zealand I found this wool store near Taihape, on the road between Taupo and Wellington. I bought a couple of pieces and was so happy that I went to their website to buy some more, which also turned out to be a pleasant experience. However, when I returned yet again,…

  • Software architecture is a (poor) metaphor

    Software architecture is a (poor) metaphor

    At FAU, we are now holding our so-named “software architecture” seminar for the second time. It is important to realize (for students as well as the general public) that “software architecture” is a metaphor (or, maybe more precisely, an analogy). Architecture is a discipline several thousand years old, while software architecture is only as old…