Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Evergreen

  • Assumption about longevity and its consequences

    Assumption about longevity and its consequences

    If you have run into me recently, I may have bugged you with the following question: Given the rapid pace of development in medical technology, I expect my generation to live to 100 years of age. A child being born today may live to the age of 250 years of age. Under this assumption, what…

  • The business of open source user foundations (consortia)

    The business of open source user foundations (consortia)

    I held a talk on open source user foundations today, at the OpenUp Camp in Nuremberg. The slides are available as a PDF or on slideshare, embedded below: A small anecdote on the side In preparation of the talk, I looked for academic publications on the Kuali Foundation. I found only one, but I couldn’t…

  • Paid vs. volunteer work in open source [HICSS 2014]

    Paid vs. volunteer work in open source [HICSS 2014]

    Abstract: Many open source projects have long become commercial. This paper shows just how much of open source software development is paid work and how much has remained volunteer work. Using a conservative approach, we find that about 50% of all open source software development has been paid work for many years now and that…