Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Evergreen

  • The business of open source user foundations (consortia)

    The business of open source user foundations (consortia)

    I held a talk on open source user foundations today, at the OpenUp Camp in Nuremberg. The slides are available as a PDF or on slideshare, embedded below: A small anecdote on the side In preparation of the talk, I looked for academic publications on the Kuali Foundation. I found only one, but I couldn’t…

  • Paid vs. volunteer work in open source [HICSS 2014]

    Paid vs. volunteer work in open source [HICSS 2014]

    Abstract: Many open source projects have long become commercial. This paper shows just how much of open source software development is paid work and how much has remained volunteer work. Using a conservative approach, we find that about 50% of all open source software development has been paid work for many years now and that…

  • Learning Across Open Collaboration Perspectives

    Learning Across Open Collaboration Perspectives

    I’m at WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 and happy to notice that some of the hoped-for magic is happening: A cross-polination of insights and ideas across the different disciplinary perspectives on open collaboration. Specifically, I found that open source has developed insights of value to open access, open data, Wikipedia, etc. that have arrived only now…

  • Product management and I know who you are (price discrimination on the web)

    Product management and I know who you are (price discrimination on the web)

    During a trip to New Zealand I found this wool store near Taihape, on the road between Taupo and Wellington. I bought a couple of pieces and was so happy that I went to their website to buy some more, which also turned out to be a pleasant experience. However, when I returned yet again,…

  • Software architecture is a (poor) metaphor

    Software architecture is a (poor) metaphor

    At FAU, we are now holding our so-named “software architecture” seminar for the second time. It is important to realize (for students as well as the general public) that “software architecture” is a metaphor (or, maybe more precisely, an analogy). Architecture is a discipline several thousand years old, while software architecture is only as old…

  • Cargo cult public investments?

    Cargo cult public investments?

    Richard Feynman, in an enjoyable-to-read article [1], explains what he calls the cargo cult: In the South Seas there is a Cargo Cult of people. During the war they saw airplanes land with lots of good materials, and they want the same thing to happen now. So they’ve arranged to make things like runways, to…