Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Tag: Evergreen

  • Paid vs. volunteer open source work in China 1 / 3

    Paid vs. volunteer open source work in China 1 / 3

    In 2014 we published a study on paid vs. volunteer work in open source, using a representative sample of open source projects from 2008 (i.e. before GitHub). In 2008, open source activity was decidedly Western, with little contributions from China. In 2017, I finally found a student to redo the analysis for China. More specifically,…

  • The challenge of product management in commercial open source

    The challenge of product management in commercial open source

    Open source is a viable business strategy for software vendors to disrupt existing markets and conquer new ones. Just why is it easy in some markets and hard in others? I argue that you need to cut the product in such a way that there is a clear separation between what a never-paying community-user wants…

  • The cardinal sin of commercial open source?

    The cardinal sin of commercial open source?

    Redis is a popular open source database. Its proprietor, Redis Labs, recently announced that some add-on modules will not be open source any longer. The resulting outcry led to a defense and explanation of this decision that is telling. I have two comments and a lesson about product management of commercial open source. The two…