Category: 1. Software Industry
The Perfect Professor for University Startups
A professor, so my belief, can play an important role in generating startups from University research. Most professors don’t, but some do, and I wanted to summarize my experiences as to what would be the perfect combination in one person. Situation There are three ingredients to get a university startup set-up and off the ground:…
Triple-Licensing Single-Vendor Open Source Components (Illustrated)
I thought I’d illustrate how I’d solve the current licensing conundrum of single-vendor open source firms like MongoDB and Elastic using some graphics. In short: While open source application vendors can still dual-license, open source component vendors (like the companies just mentioned) need to triple-license to get the benefits of open source yet keep their…
License-Compliant Delivery Seminar and Handbook
I’m proud to report that we are finally providing our license compliance seminar to the general public: License-compliant Delivery of Software Products That Use Open Source Software (both a seminar and a handbook). Feel free to contact me if you are interested.
Solving the Commercial Open Source Licensing Dilemma With Triple-Licensing
As you may have noticed, the move away from approved open source licenses to commercial almost-like-open-source licenses by single-vendor-owned open source projects has created a lot of bad press for the vendors behind such software. I don’t really understand this, because for all that I can tell, a triple-licensing rather than just a dual-licensing approach…
Free and open source software licenses explained (Miriam Ballhausen, IEEE Computer)
I’m happy to report that the second article in the open source column of IEEE Computer has been published. Title Free and Open Source Software Licenses Explained Keywords Opensource software, licenses, computer security Authors Miriam Ballhausen, Bird & Bird, LLP Publication Computer vol. 52, no. 10 (June 2019), pp. 82-86 Abstract: This installment of Computer’s…
The Commercial Open Source Pledge
I’m pretty frustrated by some of the discussion around the recent relicensing decisions by commercial open source companies. A fair bit of it seems confused to me, and I think this is mostly due to commentators not understanding the purpose of community for the vendor. So I decided to write a hypothetical pledge for venture-capital…