Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.6 Software Startups

  • Favorite story of student entrepreneur ageism

    Favorite story of student entrepreneur ageism

    I teach a course on software product management where I sometimes cross over into startup-land. During a recent class, I showed students a rara-talk by a VC, who was trying to convince them to become entrepreneurs. So I asked the class: Statistically speaking, a 40-year old entrepreneur is much more likely to succeed than a…

  • Where to focus a University incubator

    Where to focus a University incubator

    Fueled by the success of Silicon Valley startups and other success stories, there probably isn’t a single university today which would not like to foster startups from their student ranks. There is a lot to be said about how to do that, but before all operational decisions, a university incubator needs to know where to…

  • The Wall Street Journal and Berlin reporting

    The Wall Street Journal and Berlin reporting

    The Wall Street Journal provides a nice infographic on the “billion dollar club“, that is, startups of valuation $1B or above. In Europe, the WSJ counts six >$1B startups, of which one is in Amsterdam (Adyen), one is in Stockholm (Spotify) and two are in London (Powa, Shazam) and Berlin (Delivery Hero, Home24). In addition,…