Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.6 Software Startups

  • Wed Nov 19: At Offener IT Gipfel and Hochsprung Award

    Wed Nov 19: At Offener IT Gipfel and Hochsprung Award

    Today, I was in two places at once. I participated in the Offener IT Gipfel of Germany’s green party where I had been invited to give a talk on open source and to participate in a panel moderated by a member of the German national parliament. (Local copy.) I was also present at the Hochsprung…

  • Student startup passion vs. market potential

    Student startup passion vs. market potential

    As part of being a professor, I’m trying to motivate student startups. Here, I want to talk about student startups coming out of a Master’s program. These are different from startups coming out of my research lab, which are based on work with my Ph.D. students. Master student startups are typically smaller, not based on…

  • Founders vs. success vs. home-runs

    Founders vs. success vs. home-runs

    A student of mine pointed me to this article about who founds companies. It is a well-known fact (or at least lore as I have no reference at hand) that the highest success rate as a founder is with those around age 40 (38 according to the article). At that age, a founder has worked…