Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.6 Software Startups

  • What’s wrong with German university startup incubators?

    What’s wrong with German university startup incubators?

    Let’s use the simple root cause analysis method of asking multiple times why. 1. Many German university incubators are a joke. Why are they a joke? 2. Because they don’t deliver what they should be delivering: Return on investment for the commercialization of all the intellectual property created from public funding given to them. Why…

  • What to look for in startup co-founders and early employees

    What to look for in startup co-founders and early employees

    I have created and participated in several software product startups during my early industry career, and I have created and participated in several as a professor. I intend to do so for many more to come. I’m talking about startups that intend to raise venture capital and become high-growth success stories. Recruiting is job #1…

  • Myopia: Is it a feature or a product?

    Myopia: Is it a feature or a product?

    A common mistake of inexperienced entrepreneurs is to confuse a feature with a product. The best recent illustrating example I can think of is the flashlight app: For a short moment in time, you could sell flashlight apps for mobile phones until Apple and Google came in, assimilated the flashlight function as a feature into…

  • How to fund your startup (using public grants, in Germany, 2022 Edition)

    How to fund your startup (using public grants, in Germany, 2022 Edition)

    In this short video, I provide an explanation of how anyone with a team and an idea can get public funding to kick off their venture. I appear to be speaking to my students, but the funding is really available to anyone (with a German address and work permit). If this is you, feel free…

  • Startup funding for researchers (8min. video, slides; Oct 2021)

    Startup funding for researchers (8min. video, slides; Oct 2021)

    I recently gave a talk at YES, the Young Enterpreneurs in Science. Here is a short video version (8 min.) that illustrates how public funding is possible and aligns with a startup (out of research) timeline. The slides are also available.

  • Advice to students on when to start your company

    Advice to students on when to start your company

    I was listening to Dave Kellog and Thomas Otter’s most enjoyable The SaaS Product Power Breakfast podcast, this time about a VC-turned-entrepreneur (in his fourties), and it reminded me about advice that I give to my students. Heads-up: The funniest ageist comment by a student, ever. Research has shown repeatedly that the biggest chances of…