Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.6 Software Startups

  • Myopia: Is it a feature or a product?

    Myopia: Is it a feature or a product?

    A common mistake of inexperienced entrepreneurs is to confuse a feature with a product. The best recent illustrating example I can think of is the flashlight app: For a short moment in time, you could sell flashlight apps for mobile phones until Apple and Google came in, assimilated the flashlight function as a feature into…

  • How to fund your startup (using public grants, in Germany, 2022 Edition)

    How to fund your startup (using public grants, in Germany, 2022 Edition)

    In this short video, I provide an explanation of how anyone with a team and an idea can get public funding to kick off their venture. I appear to be speaking to my students, but the funding is really available to anyone (with a German address and work permit). If this is you, feel free…

  • Startup funding for researchers (8min. video, slides; Oct 2021)

    Startup funding for researchers (8min. video, slides; Oct 2021)

    I recently gave a talk at YES, the Young Enterpreneurs in Science. Here is a short video version (8 min.) that illustrates how public funding is possible and aligns with a startup (out of research) timeline. The slides are also available.