Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • Open Source in the Share of Wallet Wars

    On their blogs, Matt Asay and Savio Rodrigues are discussing whether IBM is using open source to diminish competitor margins. I think it is obvious that IBM does this, most notably with its Linux engagement, which is squarely directed against Microsoft (Windows). It is what I call a war over the share of customer’s wallet,…

  • Open Source Businesses and Developer Careers: Who Benefits from Open Source? How and Why?

    Title: Open Source Businesses and Developer Careers: Who Benefits from Open Source? How and Why? Presenter: Dirk Riehle Abstract: Open source is changing how software is built and how money is made. This talk discusses the economics of open source software from the start-up firm, the system integrator, and the software developer perspective. The talk…

  • Successful Open Source, with Little or No Agile

    I’ll be participating in the panel “Successful Open Source, with little or no Agile” at Agile 2008 in Toronto, Canada, on August 7th, 2008. Successful Open Source, with Little or No Agile Agile adoption in the Open Source community ranges from some to none for most successful teams. Can these communities learn anything from each…