Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • The Commit Size Distribution of Open Source Software [HICSS 2009]

    Authors: Oliver Arafat, Dirk Riehle Abstract: With the growing economic importance of open source, we need to improve our understanding of how open source software development processes work. The analysis of code contributions to open source projects is an important part of such research. In this paper we analyze the size of code contributions to…

  • Open Source Software Developer Careers

    How we develop open source software can vary widely from project to project. However, the roles we play are similar across projects: user, developer, tester, documenter, committer, etc. For a while now, I have been interested in what open source means for software developer careers, in particular with respect to fame and fortune. The figure…

  • The Economic Motivation of Open Source Software: Stakeholder Perspectives [Computer Magazine]

    Author: Dirk Riehle Abstract: Open source software has changed the rules of the game, impacting significantly the economic behavior of stakeholders in the software ecosystem. In this new environment, developers strive to be committers, vendors feel pressure to produce open source products, and system integrators anticipate boosting profits. Reference: IEEE Computer, vol. 40, no. 4…