Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • How Open Source Comments (by Programming Language)

    We recently looked at the commenting practice of active working open source projects. It is quite impressive: The average comment density of open source is around 19%. (Comment density is the percentage of text that are comments, or, more formally: comment density = comment lines / (comment lines + source code lines); for example, two…

  • Capobianco’s OSS 2008 Keynote

    Fabrizio Capobianco made the slides from his OSS 2008 keynote available. This is the same conference where we reported about the total (exponential) growth of open source. Unfortunately I had to leave right after our talk for the Wiki Symposium so I didn’t catch him nor could I listen to his talk. His slides, however,…

  • The Dominance of Small Code Contributions

    What is the most common size of code contributions to open source? Maybe 30 lines of source code? 200 lines? Or just one line? What’s your guess?