Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • Why Open Source is Hard for Closed Source Vendors (Alpha Release)

    It is difficult for many closed source software vendors to embrace open source. Why is this so? After all, over the last years we have come to understand the many business benefits of employing open source as part of a software vendor’s strategy toolbox. In this presentation, I make a first attempt at answering this…

  • The Commenting Practice of Open Source (Completed, for Now) [Onward! 2009]

    For now, the final paper in this sequence of short publications of how open source software projects document their code. The paper is basically a more comprehensive summary of prior articles, with a bit more of data. Here the abstract and reference: Abstract: The development processes of open source software are different from traditional closed…

  • ICSE 2009 NIER Presentation on Open Source Comment Density

    Our ICSE 2009 NIER short paper on open source comment density had an accompanying poster presentation, provided here for ease of access. It conveniently summarizes some of our prior work. I hope it will be up soon on the ICSE 2009 NIER post-conference page. [slideshare id=1562961&doc=arafatriehleicse2009niershortpaperpresentation-090610122758-phpapp01] If SlideShare fails you for some reason or another,…