Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • Paid vs. volunteer open source work in China 1 / 3

    Paid vs. volunteer open source work in China 1 / 3

    In 2014 we published a study on paid vs. volunteer work in open source, using a representative sample of open source projects from 2008 (i.e. before GitHub). In 2008, open source activity was decidedly Western, with little contributions from China. In 2017, I finally found a student to redo the analysis for China. More specifically,…

  • Survey of open source compliance by working group of Bitkom (in German)

    Survey of open source compliance by working group of Bitkom (in German)

    The open source working group of Bitkom, a German IT association, has prepared a short survey on open source compliance in companies. My research group supports the survey. If you are interested, please take the survey (in German).

  • Bitkom Forum Open Source 2018 (in German)

    Bitkom Forum Open Source 2018 (in German)

    Am 18. September 2018 findet in Erfurt das 2018 Bitkom Forum Open Source statt. Thema ist die Werkzeugunterstützung von Open Source Governance und Compliance in der Softwarelieferkette. Meine Forschungsgruppe wird mit einem Vortrag zu Anforderungen an Open Source Governance and License Compliance vertreten sein, basierend auf einem gleichnamigen auf der OSS 2018 präsentierten Papier. Please…