Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)
Paid vs. volunteer work in open source [HICSS 2014]
Abstract: Many open source projects have long become commercial. This paper shows just how much of open source software development is paid work and how much has remained volunteer work. Using a conservative approach, we find that about 50% of all open source software development has been paid work for many years now and that…
Learning Across Open Collaboration Perspectives
I’m at WikiSym + OpenSym 2013 and happy to notice that some of the hoped-for magic is happening: A cross-polination of insights and ideas across the different disciplinary perspectives on open collaboration. Specifically, I found that open source has developed insights of value to open access, open data, Wikipedia, etc. that have arrived only now…
How commercial involvement affects open source projects: Three case studies on issue reporting [Science China Journal]
Abstract: Most research on Internet software today has focused on inventing new technologies to keep track of a changing Internet. Little attention has been paid to the software development processes of Internet software. A large part of the software running the Internet is open source software. Open source software is developed both by volunteers and…
A dual model of open source license growth [OSS 2013]
Abstract: Every open source project needs to decide on an open source license. This decision is of high economic relevance: Just which license is the best one to help the project grow and attract a community? The most common question is: Should the project choose a restrictive (reciprocal) license or a more permissive one? As…
Upcoming talk: Best of our empirical open source work
I’m at SOFSEM 2013, where I’ll present my current stock research talk: “Best of Our Empirical Open Source Work.” It is an invited talk. I’ve given it a few times now and expect to do many more during the course of 2013. Here is the abstract of this “best-of” talk: Open source software is publicly…
The commit size distribution of open-source software (summary)
We finished our work on modeling the commit sizes of open source, called the commit size distribution of open source. This is relevant work for anyone who’d like to know how much code developers are writing for a single commit (code contribution) to a project. For example, if you are developing software development tools, you…