Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • Time to Curb Your Open Source Wording

    Time to Curb Your Open Source Wording

    I view open source mostly from an economic perspective. From this point of view, some of the words people use are curious. For example, people like to talk about “giving back” to the community or “donating a project” to the public. These idioms have community building power, like insider speak among those who speak it,…

  • The innovations of open source [Computer Magazine]

    The innovations of open source [Computer Magazine]

    Abstract: Open source has given us many innovations. This article provides an overview of the most important innovations and illustrates the impact that open source is having on the software industry and beyond. The main innovations of open source can be grouped into four categories: Legal innovation, process innovation, tool innovation, and business model innovation.…

  • Open Source Expanded (new column)

    Open Source Expanded (new column)

    Open Source Expanded is the name of a new column (open-ended article series) that I’m editing for IEEE Computer Magazine. Expect a new article on open source and how it is changing the world every two months! The first article on the innovations of open source was just published, kicking of the column. I could…