Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • Favorite (own) open source research publications

    Favorite (own) open source research publications

    This is a list of my (own) favorite open source research publications. Check them out! 2015 The five stages of open source volunteering The open source software developer career and its benefits 2011 Control points and steering mechanisms in open source software projects 2010 The economic case for open source foundations 2009 The single-vendor commercial…

  • Costs of no or poor open source governance

    Costs of no or poor open source governance

    When talking with companies about the use of open source, sooner or later we end up discussing the problem of license compliance. This is perhaps the most prominent aspect of open source governance for companies getting started with using open source. It can be surprisingly difficult to coherently explain the cause and effect chains that…

  • Register now for Forum Open Source 2017

    Register now for Forum Open Source 2017

    On June 20th, the the 2017 Bitkom Open Source Forum will take place in Berlin. In my opinion, this is the best vendor-neutral opportunity in Germany to meet and listen to open source experts and how open source is shaping the German and international software industry. I will present my main blockbuster talk on why…

  • Why on earth?! Why product vendors invest in open-source software (upcoming talk, in German)

    Why on earth?! Why product vendors invest in open-source software (upcoming talk, in German)

    I give industry talks about every other week and stopped advertising them long ago. This one, however, may be of broad interest. I will talk about the economics of strategically creating and leading open source projects at the June 20th, 2017, Open Source Forum of Bitkom in Berlin. Title and abstract below, event details to…

  • Open source collaboration: The other open source innovation (in German)

    Open source collaboration: The other open source innovation (in German)

    Below, please find a blog post in preparation of the Bitkom OSS Forum in July 2016. Open-Source-Software ist zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil von Softwareprodukten geworden. Es gibt praktisch keine Software mehr, die nicht auch auf Open Source aufbaut. Unternehmen, welche Open-Source-Software in ihren Produkten verwenden, machen sich meist Sorgen um die rechtlichen Konsequenzen, welche Open-Source-Lizenzen…

  • Current open source publications of general interest

    Current open source publications of general interest

    Preparing for the relaunch of my course on free/libre, and open source software, I took stock of the general-interest papers I wrote about open source. From this list, I’m omitting (overly) academic papers; all of these papers should be broadly understandable. Introduction to open source Open source and intellectual property Open source project communities Open…