Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.2 Open Source (Industry)

  • Open source explained (in German, without jargon, in 1500 Words)

    Open source explained (in German, without jargon, in 1500 Words)

    Open-Source-Software, im engeren Sinne, ist Computer-Software (Programme), die kostenfrei genutzt, modifiziert, und weitergegeben werden können. Bekannte Beispiele für Open-Source-Software sind das Linux Betriebssystem und der Firefox Web-Browser. Open Source im weiteren Sinne ist ein von Menschen getragenes Phänomen, das uns ungeahnte Möglichkeiten der weltweiten Zusammenarbeit sowie neue Geschäftsmodelle gegeben hat. 1. Open-Source-Lizenzen Am Anfang standen…

  • What is an open source company?

    What is an open source company?

    An open source company is a company whose business model is built on a customer acquisition process in which customers first use a free-to-use open source version of the product before being upsold to a commercial offering by the company. When we talk about commercial open source firms, the word commercial is redundant, because all…

  • Company support for open source stable for 15 years now?!

    Company support for open source stable for 15 years now?!

    I just read Nagle et al.’s Report on the 2020 FOSS Contributor Survey. They find that about 50% of contributors are paid by their employers to work on open source software. This confirms a 2013 paper on paid vs. volunteer work in open source of ours, which also suggested that about half of all development…