Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.1 Industry (General)

  • A key capability German car manufacturers are still missing

    A key capability German car manufacturers are still missing

    My first project as a professor with a German car manufacturer was in 2013, and our industry partner kicked off the first project meeting with the words: Ich bin ein Blechbieger und verstehe von Software nicht so viel.(I bend sheet metal and don’t know much about software.) I think he already was behind the times…

  • The First Derivative of Software is Eating the World

    The First Derivative of Software is Eating the World

    Marc Andreesen, venture capitalist at a16z, famously stated in 2011: Software is eating the world Wall Street Journal, 2011-08-11 Andreesen’s article describes the immediate impact of software, both as its own product category and as a component of increasing importance in existing (non-software) products. I want to discuss what I consider the first derivative of…

  • Too many points of failure (at Theranos)

    Too many points of failure (at Theranos)

    I just finished reading John Carreyrou’s book Bad Blood, which presents the story of the rise and fall of one-time Silicon Valley unicorn Theranos through his eyes as the journalist who broke the story. In case you missed it: Theranos was a healthcare company promising to sell a machine that could perform quickly and reliably…