Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.1 Industry (General)

  • Patterns of Effective Tweeting and Retweeting

    These are patterns and practices of getting the most out of your 140 characters on Twitter. dirkriehle: Examples are in-lined using blockquote like this; the author is named first Table of Contents General Principles Informational Messages Directed Conversations Social Filtering Global Communication

  • A Twitter Best Practice

    There are many best practices of using Twitter for organizations. Here is one; I may post others in loose order as I have good examples at hand. I was attending IBM’s NPUC:09. Like many, my first reaction when I’m unhappy these days is to tweet about it. dirkriehle: Almaden is a great location, on top…

  • Summary and Translation of Microblogging Can Enhance Productivity Interview

    Courtesy of SAP, here an English-language summary translation of the interview with Oliver Günther on micro-blogging and productivity. Originally: “Das Microblogging kann die Produktivität durchaus steigern.” Computer Zeitung, June 15, 2009. The integration of micro-blogging in corporations makes sense, concludes a project by SAP Research in Palo Alto and the Institute for Business Informatics at…