Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.1 Industry (General)

  • This curious word 3D printing

    This curious word 3D printing

    When I first heard about 3D printing, I thought it was a weird choice of words. It is a good word, because it tells a story familiar to people living today, but why not call it home manufacturing or on-site factories, or the like? I’m not sufficiently knowledgable about the history of technology, but is…

  • The business of open models

    The business of open models

    I’m at beautiful Schloss Dagstuhl once again this week, for a seminar on “Open Models as a Foundation of Future Enterprise Systems”. I was asked to spin some thoughts on what the Open Models Initiative could learn from open source. The result is a short but sweet presentation on “the business of open models”. My…

  • Definition of disruptive technology

    Definition of disruptive technology

    I got asked three times this week what “disruptive” means so here is my definition 🙂 A technology is disruptive, if it allows new companies to shake up an established market and win against established large companies.