Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 1.5 Commercial Open Source

  • Open World Forum State of Open Source

    The Open World Forum 2010 is coming up next week. Please meet me there and discuss with me the state of open source and the state of open source research on their respective panels. See you in Paris, Sept 30-Oct 1!

  • MediaWiki and Commercial Open Source Innovation

    You may be surprised to hear that the dominant public Internet wiki engine, MediaWiki, only plays a minor role in the enterprise. Within the corporate firewalls, TWiki, Confluence, DokuWiki, TikiWiki, and others are running the show. Why is that? It is certainly not the lack of commercial customer interest in MediaWiki, which everyone already knows…

  • Key Statements from Marten Mickos’ PARC Forum Talk

    I just finished listening to Marten Mickos at PARC Forum on open source businesses. Below please find my list of key statements from this talk. Most are well-known, some remain controversial, however, as a researcher it is good to be able to pinpoint such statements.