Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 4.2 Open Source (Society)

  • Why open source is good for your Economy

    Why open source is good for your Economy

    Today, at FOSSC 2019 in Muscat, Oman, I gave a talk about the benefits of sponsoring open source software development to about anyone who isn’t the software vendor whose product is getting replaced by that open source software. These are the slides. I will be repeating the same message at the German Forschungsgipfel in March.…

  • Einladung zum 2. Offener IT-Gipfel — Offenheit, Innovation & Gesellschaft

    Einladung zum 2. Offener IT-Gipfel — Offenheit, Innovation & Gesellschaft

    Ich werde am 18.11. in Berlin auf dem 2. offenen IT-Gipfel mit einem Vortrag zu Open Source vertreten sein. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Mehr Information zur Veranstaltung.

  • Why open source is good for German software businesses

    Why open source is good for German software businesses

    I’m on the expert advisory committee of one of the German parties for the current “Internet Enquette”, a commission tasked by the German parliament with suggesting future directions for Germany’s stance toward the Internet and everything digital. At a meeting this evening, a lobbyist confided in me: “Open source is bad for German software vendors!”…