Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 4.2 Open Source (Society)

  • Open Source and Public Policy (Slides)

    Open Source and Public Policy (Slides)

    In this talk, I explain the significance of the software industry for a country’s economy and how to strengthen it using open source. It is directed at public policy makers and the general public. This is the slide deck of a previously posted video. The deck is also available as a PDF for download.

  • Open Source and Public Policy (Video)

    Open Source and Public Policy (Video)

    In this short video, I explain the significance of the software industry for a country’s economy and how to strengthen it using open source. It is directed at public policy makers and the general public. Next to the Youtube embed, there is also an ad-free version courtesy of FAU, my main employer, as well as…

  • Open Source im Blickpunkt der Politik (Video, in German)

    Open Source im Blickpunkt der Politik (Video, in German)

    In diesem kurzen Video erkläre ich die Bedeutung der Softwareindustrie für die Wirtschaft eines Landes und wie Open-Source-Software diese stärken kann. Es richtet sich an Public-Policy-Maker und alle interessierten Personen. Die englische Version dieses Videos folgt; die Folien wurden vom FAU Sprachdienst aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzt (und von mir nachkorrigiert). Neben obigem Youtube…