Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 4.2 Open Source (Society)

  • Open source and the hyphen

    Open source and the hyphen

    You may have seen the repeated fights over whether open-source software should be spelled with a hyphen or not. It just flared up on Wikipedia, again. The rules are clear, in my opinion. Still, the situation is a misery. First things first: If “open source” is used as an adjective (attribute) in front of a…

  • Open source is not the infrastructure of modern society…

    Open source is not the infrastructure of modern society…

    Cloud services are the actual infrastructure. Open source is the blueprints and building materials of our digital infrastructure. Infrastructure should be built from open source, but it is important to understand the difference between software and a service, because there is a person in the middle, the one operating the service. There will be no…

  • Whose open source freedom is it anyway?

    Whose open source freedom is it anyway?

    It is 2021 and there is still a lot of fighting about “freedom” in open source software development. Here is an analytical breakdown of the issues. Freedom can refer to people or artifacts (source code). When it refers to people, it is typically freedom of choice regarding what to do. There are three main roles…