Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 4.1 Society (General)

  • Happy new year, the second amendment, and private messaging

    Happy new year, the second amendment, and private messaging

    There is wisdom in the second amendment of the constitution of the United States of America. A key motivation was to allow people to defend themselves against an oppressive government. Back when it was formulated, self-defense meant bearing firearms, which seems quaint today given that a government could came after you with tanks and drones.…

  • The dancing robot dog: Magic trick or real artificial intelligence?

    The dancing robot dog: Magic trick or real artificial intelligence?

    You may have seen the video below by Boston Dynamics. It shows a robot dog dancing to Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars. It is fun and funny to watch, but people also expressed serious worries about robot inroads into human behavior. However, there is no explanation by Boston Dynamics and it is not at all…

  • Quote for Unicum Beruf on how IT changes your job (in German)

    Quote for Unicum Beruf on how IT changes your job (in German)

    German student magazine Unicum (Beruf) asked for a quote on the impact that IT and the software industry is having on everyone’s job, so here it is: Die IT verändert die Arbeitsweisen in vielen Berufen. Initial galt dies nur für die IT-Branche selbst und hier insbesondere für die Softwareentwicklung, inzwischen aber sind deren Arbeitsweisen auch…