Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 4. Society-at-large

  • Interview on “Why Open Source is Good for Your Economy”

    Interview on “Why Open Source is Good for Your Economy”

    Sultan Qaboos University just published the interview I gave them about “why open source is good for your economy” in their university magazine. Read the original magazine issue (magazine copy, article copy) or my prior blog post. Finally, I have to say: Love the visuals 😉

  • Translation (to German) of Interview on Open Source in the Public Sector

    Translation (to German) of Interview on Open Source in the Public Sector

    I recently was interviewed about open source in the public sector and blogged my answers here: Should the public sector use open source software? 1/4 Why did munich drop Linux and LibreOffice for Microsoft Windows and Office? 2/4 Should the public sector consider open source only for new purchases? 3/4 Shouldn’t a public government stay…

  • Why Open Source is Good for Your Economy (FOSSC19 Recap)

    Why Open Source is Good for Your Economy (FOSSC19 Recap)

    It is no secret that software is everywhere. No traditional product has remained untouched, whether the product is being produced using software or whether software is an integral part of it. As part of this wave of digitization, established vendors from outside the software industry need to avoid that someone else will reap all the…