Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 4. Society-at-large

  • The societal value of commercial open source

    The societal value of commercial open source

    The heat about recent relicensing in open source land has dissipated a bit. To recap in a nutshell what had people riled up: Venture-capital-backed startups increasingly went to market by providing their software product, in particular software infrastructure components, under an open source license (dual-licensing, next to their commercial license). Eventually, payday came, and they…

  • Interview on open source and security with DLF Kultur (in German)

    Interview on open source and security with DLF Kultur (in German)

    I had a ten minute interview with the enjoyably competent Marcus Richter and Hagen Terschüren of DLF Kultur last week. It aired as part of the Breitband show on Saturday April 6th. Our topic was open source infrastructure, security challenges to it, and whether the state needs to step up. It is available as XZ-Backdoor:…

  • A systematic analysis of problems in open collaborative data engineering [TSC Journal]

    A systematic analysis of problems in open collaborative data engineering [TSC Journal]

    Abstract Collaborative workflows are common in open-source software development. They reduce individual costs and improve the quality of work results. Open data shares many characteristics with open-source software as it can be used, modified, and redistributed by anyone, for free. However, in contrast to open-source software engineering, collaborative data engineering on open data lacks a…