Category: 3. Research and Teaching
Upcoming industry talk on what happens when project = 1 team stops being feasible: Scaling methods, tools and skills, online and IRL by Giovanna Luisi of GfK, Growth from Knowledge
We will be hosting an industry talk on what happens when Project = 1 Team stops being feasible: Scaling methods, tools and skills, online and IRL. The talk is free and open to the public. Abstract Many digital ventures start with a small team. But regardless if you work for a small startup or for…
Course on commercial open source startups at UC Santa Cruz
In September 2020, I will be teaching a workshop series on commercial open source startups at UC Santa Cruz (and starting November, as a course, at FAU). The series at UCSC is being faciliated by CROSS, the Center for Research in Open Source Software, and I’m getting help from Thomas Otter (@vendorprisey). If you would…
Open-source research software (Wilhelm Hasselbring et al., IEEE Computer)
For good scientific practice, research software should be open source. It should be both archived for reproducibility and actively maintained for reusability.
Teaching software product management
Software product management is easily the least well understood yet most important business function in software companies. I have been teaching Software Product Management by Case for about ten years now, and it is time I change a gear or two. Hence, I’m asking whether anyone is interested in helping me teach this course, whether…
Three open data sources made easy
What are the the top three most promising open data sources that you would like to combine for an innovative app or data analysis? Please let us know and we will try to make it easy for you. In more detail (for developers) Open data can be hard to use: Every data source is different,…
GitHub workflows for office documents
On April 1st, 2020 (no joke), we founded EDITIVE, to take the lessons learned from git and GitHub to office documents. Here is an illustration of the problem that EDITIVE is solving, a typical office document for a contract that has been mangled by too many people: The solution to sort out a mess like…