Category: 3. Research and Teaching
Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Software Development Teams (SofTEAM ’09)
For your information, a workshop on Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Software Development Teams (SofTEAM ’09) CALL FOR PAPERS European Workshop on “Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing in Software Development Teams (SofTEAM’09)”
PLoP Proceedings now in ACM Digital Library
Thanks to the efforts of Joe Yoder and Ralph Johnson, the proceedings of the 2006 conference on Pattern Languages of Programming have been archived in the ACM Digital Library. I expect the 2007 and future proceedings to be made available through the ACM DL as well. Whether it will be applied to past years is…
Interdisciplinary Research on Wiki Communities Workshop
For your information, a workshop on interdisciplinary research on wiki communities. CALL FOR PAPERS First Workshop on “Interdisciplinary Research on Wiki Communities”, on September 8, 2008, at WikiSym 2008, Porto, Portugal, September 8-10, 2008 Introduction The array of approaches to studying wikis is a source of wealth but also a possible source of confusion: What…
Wikis for Software Engineering Workshop
For your information, a research workshop on wikis for (in) software engineering. CALL FOR PAPERS Third Workshop on “Wikis for Software Engineering”, September 8, 2008, at WikiSym 2008, Porto, Portugal, September 8-10, 2008 Introduction The use of wikis in software engineering dates back to 1995, when Ward Cunningham created the first ever wiki as a…
Richard P. Gabriel: Photography Workshop at OOPSLA 2008
For your information, a workshop on photographing technical conferences. Photography Workshop at OOPSLA 2008 Photographing a technical conference well is not a matter of point and shoot, nor is it about taking pictures to share with friends and family. The time is ripe for more serious photojournalism to capture our community’s leaders, its activities, and…
Dave Humphrey: New Graduate Program on Linux and Open Source System Administration
For your information, a note from Dave Humphrey on LUX, a new graduate program on Linux and Open Source System Administration at Seneca College, Toronto, ON. I wanted to let you know about a new graduate program we’re launching in September on Linux and open source system administration. LUX is designed for industry people who…